This is a project of mine that’s reached a nice stopping point for the time being.

From 2020-22, I got interested in “nets,” that geometric exercise by which you unfold regular 3D shapes into contiguous but irregular 2D shapes.


I approached the problem from the other side, though, and asked whether we could fold regular 2D shapes into well-formed 3D shapes. It turns out that you can! Specifically:

  • Even-sided polygons, from 10 to at least 16 sides
  • With the polygon of half its number of sides cut out from the middle of it, e.g.,
    • Cut a pentagon out of a decagon, or
    • A hexagon out of a dodecagon…
  • Will form a ring of alternating trapezoids and triangles.
  • And that if you snip those at one juncture,
  • And fold this loose ring at each joint
    • Always at the same angle
    • But either left or right,
  • Then you find interesting symmetries in
    • The shapes formed
    • The angles that produce these shapes
    • And the decision tree as to whether you should fold these left or right at each joint

This blog post used to have a few examples of my early experiments. However, I more recently formalized the steps that I used to produce these one-offs, and set the supercomputers loose on testing many different possible combinations.

The result is a somewhat abstract interactive [NOT CHROME! AND IT’S MUCH BETTER ON A FULL WEB BROWSER] that allows you, by clicking the nodes on the graph, to call up the animations that the my algorithm determined are interesting. Some are more interesting than others!

Base URL:
Codebase here:

What’s particularly interesting is that I know there are more of these matches out there (I limited my parameter sweeps) — and the angles I found appear to conform to known dihedral angles of regular polyhedra. Comments more than welcome šŸ™‚

What follows are the original examples I generated.


A dodecagon with a hexagon, formed by connecting every third vertex cut out of it, leaves a ring composed of trapezoids and triangles. Folding along the lines between them at an angle of 1.4154719912951197… or (acos(2*sqrt(3)/3-1)) radians connects the different segments in a butterfly shape that approximates half of a truncated tetrahedron.


Folding along the lines between them at an angle of 2.034443043…. or acos(-sqrt(5)/5) radians connects the different segments in a pill or cradle-like shape.


A third variation on this is to take a ring-shaped cross section of a truncated tetrahedron. The folding angle for this comes to: asin(sqrt(3)/3)*2, or 1.2309594173407745…

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